E-ISSN 2218-6050 | ISSN 2226-4485

Letters to the Editor

  1. Re: Development of unconventional treatments for mastitis in dairy cattle
    Ana Claúdia Coelho, Ana I. Faustino-Rocha, Paula A. Oliveira
    » Abstract » PDF

  2. Anatomical knowledge retention in veterinarians and veterinary students
    Jelle Stans
    » Abstract » PDF

  3. Towards a public European animal health study repository – proposal to stimulate a discussion
    Jelle Stans
    » Abstract » PDF

  4. Further research into circumstances surrounding domestic cats getting lost and mitigating strategies
    Jelle Stans, Frauke Van Cauwenberghe
    » Abstract » PDF

  5. One health: economic and social analysis of Covid-19 worldwide
    Mourad Zeghdoudi, Mardja Tahri
    » Abstract » PDF

  6. Can pets transmit Covid-19 infection?
    Angel Almendros
    » Abstract » PDF

  7. The need for further research regarding treatment strategies for canine prostate cancer
    Jelle Stans
    » Abstract » PDF

  8. Why should veterinarians be involved in the struggle against COVID-19?
    Mohamed Lounis
    » Abstract » PDF

  9. COVID-19: are humans and wild animals a threat to each other?
    Andreia Garcês, Justina Prada, Isabel Pires
    » Abstract » PDF

  10. Copper responsive wasting and diarrhoea in captive European bison (Bison bonasus) in UK
    Clare Heap, Alex M. Barlow, Scott D. Young, Harriet Stacey
    » Abstract » PDF

  11. Alliance between veterinarians and information specialists
    Nader Naghshineh, Niloofar Solhjoo, Fatima Fahimnia
    » Abstract » PDF

  12. Glycosaminoglycans and their precursors in osteoarthritis
    Sergei V. Jargin
    » Abstract » PDF

  13. Re: Development of unconventional treatments for mastitis in dairy cattle
    Ana Coelho, Ana Faustino-Rocha, Paula Oliveira
    » Abstract